
LETS TALK ABOUT GRAZ. Graz is a beautiful little city in Austria. My mum and I went there about 3 weeks ago. Why? Because we wanted to discover new cities in Austria. 
What came first into my mind when we were talking about Graz: City of design. So I definitely had to visit it! 
When we arrived I immediately got overwhelmed with all the beauty! 
The mixture of modern and antique is amazing. 
We stayed at the Hotel Wiesler, which is also all about design and I loved our room (see in the pictures below).

I`ve always been amazed by most churches I`ve already visited. This also reflects on my studies. Whenever I`m able, I choose a lecture with a topic about anything that has to do with churches. For this semester I chose the topic "Winged Altar" (something like the one on the 8th picture below). And I`m super excited to learn more about it. Like why it actually does exist and just imagine the whole history that is behind every single one! I think that the topic is going to be very difficult and complex, but this is exactly the interesting thing about it!
At the end I`ll have to write a project paper about this one from Rotheburg (Germany). 

Some weeks ago I got alerted about the fact, that I don`t write that much in my posts. So there were 2 reasons: 
First: Sometimes I get a bit bugged when bloggers write so much 
Second: I try to keep writing in English and Portuguese and it takes so much time to write in both languages, which I unfortunately don`t have these days.
But then (funny thing) I just read today this article on Kayture where she talks about writing so much on her blog and I liked very much the aspects she mentioned. And at the same time I recognized that I was enjoying reading this all at this time and was actually bugged by another blog where it`s blogger is writing to little and the quality of her texts is getting worse... 
This is actually more annoying (in my opinion) then someone writing a long and good text. At the end the reader has to decide for her-/himself if she/he is going to read it or not. 
Anyway, I would say let`s praise long written blog posts. 

Enjoy the Graz pictures sweeties (I absolutely recommend everyone to go there!!!).

Hello hotel room


Franciscan Church

Graz`landmark: Uhrturm


Breakfast at the "Opern Café"

Schloss Eggenberg

Graz 21.9.2013-22.9.2013


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