DIY: Advent wreath

Every year I make an advent wreath for our home. This year it was very important for me, because we are not having a Christmas tree here in Vienna (we are both not spending Christmas here) so this way we still get a "Christmas touch" in our apartment. 
Unfortunately with the nice visit  from my cousin I had here and my vacation in Germany, I was this year one week to late with the advent wreath (I just finished it yesterday) 
By the way, I can`t believe that this Monday in two weeks it`s already Christmas!!! Still less I can`t believe that I will spent it in Brazil with my family!!!!!
I love this time of the year and I am SO happy in the last days!
I hope you also enjoy Christmas time like me and that you are also that happy!
Where are you guys going to spent Christmas this year?
Wish you all a great 2nd advent weekend!

Todos os anos eu faço uma "coroa de advento"(não sei se eu traduzi certo..) que eles tem costume de usar aqui. Para quem não conhece/não sabe o que que é isso: Aqui todo ano na época do advento eles fazem essas coroas com 4 velinhas e cada velinha é para um adento (que é sempre nos domingos). 4 semanas antes do natal é o primeiro advento. Daí e você acende a primeira vela. Na próxima semana você pode acender duas velas e assim vai indo...
By the way, não estou acreditando que na segunda em duas semanas já é natal!!!! Menos ainda não estou conseguindo acreditar que eu vou passar o natal esse ano no Brasil com a minha querida familia!!! 
Eu amo essa época do ano e estou tão feliz!!
Tomara que você também curte tanto essa época quanto eu e também está tão feliz!! 
Aonde que vocês vão passar o natal esse ano? 
Tenhem um ótimo final de semana nesse segundo advento!

Jedes Jahr mache ich einen Adventskranz für mein Zuhause. Für dieses Jahr war es mir umso wichtiger, weil wir hier in Wien keinen Weihnachtsbaum haben werden (wir werden beide Weihnachten nicht hier verbringen) und so kommt trotzdem ein weihnachtlicher "touch" in unsere Wohnung.
Leider war ich dieses Jahr eine Woche zu spät dran, mit dem schönen Beusch von meiner Cousine den ich hier hatte und mit meinem Urlaub in Deutschland bin ich gar nicht dazu gekommen.
By the way, ich kann es kaum glauben dass am Montag in einer Woche schon Weihnachten ist!!!! Noch weniger, dass ich dieses Jahr Weihnachten in Brasilien mit meiner Familie verbringen werde!!!
Ich liebe diese Jahreszeit und ich bin zur Zeit SO glücklich!!!
Ich hoffe sehr dass ihr diese Jahreszeit auch so genießt wie ich und auch so glücklich seid!
Wo werdet ihr dieses Jahr Weihnachten verbringen?
Schönes Wochenende an euch Alle!!! 

You need:
-special coaster for the candles 
-binding wire
-decoration items (however you want to decorate your advent wreath)

with this decoration-bound and this kind of bracket(?)

You can make a bow like this one: 

First I place the coasters, than I add the decoration with the binding wire


These are the advent wreaths I made in the last years


  1. Lovely post and blog :) I just followed you !
    would you like to follow me back via bloglovin and gfc?
    Have a nice weekend!


    fashion blog

    1. Thanks so much for following darling! I`m following you via GFC too :)

  2. very interesting..we have the christmas are very creative...

  3. Ohh where in Brazil are you going?? I live in Brazil but I'm going to Patagonia for Christmas, I have family down there. It's so hot here, though! It barely feels like Christmas!

    1. I`m visitng my grandparents in Sao Paulo, spending New Year`s in Rio and than back to Sao Paulo till 18th January, than I`m flying back to Vienna :) But patagonia sounds so great too!!! I wish you a great time there!

  4. Nice work :)

    New post on :


  5. looks amazing!


  6. beautiful photos! love your blog
    keep it on!

    xoxo P.P.

  7. ohh beautiful pics!!

  8. Wow this is awesome! There is just something about Christmas that requires candles! And the scent of pine! I love it! Would you like to follow each other on GCF and bloglovin'?

  9. Well done is Lovely!!!... Visit and check my new post!!

  10. thank you all so much!!!!! :) makes me so happy <3

  11. Sooooo cool!
    Love your blog! Following you on Bloglovin, hope you'll follow me back! <3

  12. thank you all!!!! :)
    Marella, following you back on GFC


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