Stylebook pt. 1

Tom Tailor jacket, Deichmann boots, Promod skirt, H&M top, Deichmann pumps, Chilli Beans sunglasses, New Yorker necklace

I love spending my free time in fashion. Like for example posting on the blog, reading blogs and fashion magazines, watching videos from catwalk shows and creating looks, which I eternalize on pictures. 
Last one I love for two reasons: I have so much fun doing this! (I would love to be a stylist once) and second: I already have than ideas and inspirations for days when I have no clue what to dress.
These looks here on this post where inspired by Chiara. 
I love taking inspiration from somewhere/-one else and creating a similar look with my clothes and my personal touch.
Hope you like it and hope it also inspires you ;)

Eu amo passar o meu tempo livre com alguma coisa com moda. Por exemplo postar no blog, ler outros blogs e revistas de moda, ver videos de passarelas e criar outfits quais eu posso eternizar em fotos. 
O último eu curto muito por duas razões: Eu me divirto muito fazendo isso! (Gostaria muito de ser estilista um dia) e eu já tenho ideias e inspirações para dias quando eu não sei o que vestir.
Esses looks desse post foram inspirados pela Chiara.
Eu gosto muito de pegar inspiração de um outro lugar/uma outra pessoa e criar um look parecido com as minhas roupas e o meu toque particular.
Espero que vcs gostem e que também inspire vcs ;) 

Look 1:

Pimkie jacket (old), Tommy Hilfiger dress, Forum boots (Brazilian brand), Chilli Beans sunglasses (both), H&M bag (old)

Look 2:

H&M jacket, New Yorker sunglasses, Vintage top (from Brazil), H&M sandals (old), Buffalo bag (old), Miss sixty jeans

Look 3:

New Yorker jumper, SCHUTZ sandals, Chilli Beans sunglasses, H&M shorts (old)

Look 4:

Tom Tailor jacket, New Yorker pullover, Deichmann boots, Bijou Brigitte necklace

Look 5:

H&M jacket, Vintage boots (from Brazil), ZARA shirt, H&M shorts

Look 6:

Lee denim shirt, H&M sunglasses, New Yorker hightop sneakers, H&M bag, H&M denim shorts, H&M white top

Look 7:

Esprit blouse, Promod skirt, H&M sandals, H&M bag, New Yorker sunglasses

Look 8:

Benetton pullover, Chilli Beans sunglasses, Humanic boots, New Yorker necklace

Look 9:

Vintage white vest (from Brazil), H&M white top, Corelli ballarinas, H&M bag, ZARA shorts, Chilli Beans sunglasses

Look 10:

New Yorker top and sunglasses, H&M bag, Vintage boots, H&M shorts

Look 11:

H&M top and shorts, DIY denim vest, Vintage bag and ballarinas, H&M sunglasses, Vintage necklace (from Brazil)

All pictures from Chiara are from


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