Let`s talk about beauty: Hair section

Okay, so why do I want to start talking about beauty now? 
First: It`s because I`m a bit obsessed with beauty lately. I just got a new hairdo (photos coming soon) and  I`m experimenting/trying new and different make-ups out. 
And second: There are all these whole professional bloggers blogging about beauty products and it  just inspired me.
What`s different on my post from their posts? I use products that normal students, like me can afford and I love them, so in my opinion they are really good! I hope you will like it :)

I will start with talking about my hair, because I get so often asked about it. From you, my lovely followers, and from most of the people I meet. 
First to my hair color. A lot of you asked me about my so called "ombré". It looks so natural, because it is! :D 
Sorry if you expected some great tips, I unfortunately don`t them :( 
Years ago I dyed my hair in a very light blonde (you can see on the picture at the end of the post). I loved it so much, but I also wanted my natural hair color back. So the light blonde got a bit washed out, my natural hair grew in, and this is the result :)

Below you can see my daily hair treatment-routine and stay tuned for the next post, where I`ll show you my new hairdooooo!!! 
Make also sure you follow me on Instagram and Facebook to get updated about my doings (there can also already see my new hair ;))

So let`s start with the shampoo. This one is from Natura. It`s a Brazilian cosmetics/beauty products brand. I really love them! They have great products. I`ll make a post only talking about them and their products soon.
This shampoo is especially for dyed or badly damaged hair. I actually use the whole kit with a mask and a serum/creme for the hair ends, but I already finished them, so I couldn`t take pictures of it. You can get the kit and the shampoo HERE
I always have very dry hair ends and these products really smooth and sleek my hair. Really advisable!

I`m also a big fan of Guhl products. This one is new with babassu oil. Also great for dry hair and you don`t need much of it. If you use a bit it`s already sufficient to get smooth hair.

After washing I use this "wonder spray" from John Frieda. I spray it on my damp hair before brushing it, for protection. 

This product from Granier Fructis is, in my opinion, the best one if you have very dry hair! And believe me, I already tried so many similar products out ;).
It`s called "wonder oil" but it really doesn`t make your hair oily (more your hands, you really have to wash them well after using it :D). 
Here again you will just need a bit of it to make your hair look sleek and healthy. 
But this one I don`t use everyday, especially not now, because I just got my dry hair ends cut.

Everything I say about these products is true. I`m really totally satisfied with them and I`m always astonished from the great result! If you also have long hair with dry ends I would really recommend this products to you! Have fun with them! :)

Here is the picture from my hair, how they looked like some years ago. 
And from my new hairdo...... -> next post ;)


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