Bang Bang

Tada! So (as you probably already have seen on my new profile picture) here is my new hairdo, I got bangs!! 
I have to say, I was thinking about getting bangs every year, but never really had the courage to try it out. Now I finally did it and I`m so happy about this! New for me is, that I have to style them (with style I mean wash and blow them dry) every day. Actually I only brush my hair after washing it and let them dry naturally. So I`m not used to styling my hair everyday, but I`m okay with that, it`s totally worth it!
In Europe the winter kind of came back for some weeks, so this outfit from last week is more "winterish" with a big scarf and jacket and pullover.. (So happy we got some sun today, I hope it stays like this!! #needsummer)
Have a nice weekend, sweeties.

Tada!! Como vocês provavelmente já viram na nova foto do meu perfil, aqui está o meu novo corte de cabelo, estou com franjas!!! 
Eu tenho que dizer que todo ano eu pensava em ter franjas, mas nunca tive coragem de tentar. Agora eu finalmente consegui e estou super feliz com a minha decisão!! Novo para mim é que eu tenho que arrumar ela todo dia (lavar e secar). Normalmente eu escovo meu cabelo depois do banho e pronto.
Na Europa o inverno meio que voltou nas últimas semanas, então meu outfit está bem "invernoso" com cachecol, casaco, pulôver....(gracas a deus tivemos um puco de sol hoje, tomara que vai ficar assim!! #needsummer)
Bom finde queridos.

 Jacket Tom Tailor, Pullover New Yorker, Jeans 7 for allmankind, Scarf New Yorker, Shoes New Yorker, Earrings Bijou Brigitte, Black top H&M 


  1. the bangs suit you look fantastic,very chic

  2. wow! nice look

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  3. really like your style ;)

  4. nice post :D

  5. Thank you all so much!!!! :)


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