Vegan food diary: "Italian Couscous"

Here it comes again, my food diary. Today with a vegan couscous with Italian "touch"

You need:
 -Couscous (how much you want)
-Dried tomatoes in oil
-1 pepper
-Chickpeas (I used them from a can)
-1 shallot

*For the couscous you need to cook 250ml of water for 250g couscous. Put the couscous in a bowl and than just add the hot water to it and let it so till the couscous absorbed the whole water 
*Cut the pepper, dried tomatoes and the shallot in slices and add them to the bowl
*Rinse the chickpeas and olives and add them to the couscous
*I normally just spice it with some salt and pepper

I hope you enjoy your meal :)  


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