Golden day

 bag: vintage, shorts: H&M (old), basic top: H&M, necklace, ring: Bijou Brigitte, sandals: Ipanama Gisele Bündchen, sunglasses: Chili Beans, watch: Swatch, bracelet: pp acessórios and FOSSIL

Gosh! I didn`t post for over a month and I`m so sorry about that! 
The problem is I got a full-time job now (just during the vacation) and I get so late and totally exausted at home that I`m even incapable to turn the computer on!
But I really missed this and I really want to spend more time in here, but it`s quite difficult these days... And I have tons of pictures to show you, from my birthday for example, coming soon!!! :) 
So yesterday was holiday in Austria and I finally got time to renew my closet a bit, there are some new clothes.... :D
I also needed a new place for my jewelry and I love the way I managed all this! So I had to take pictures of my closet, my jewls, some of my shoes and share with you :)
Hope you like it
By the way, I really miss my studies!!! My vacation goes till october that`s way to long!


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