Best book ever

"Design is everywhere. It seduces, pleases and inspires us. It makes us part with our money. It defines who we think we are. And understanding it offers us a whole new way of seeing the world.

An iPhone, an anglepoise lamp, a Picasso, a banknote, an Armani suit, a William Morris textile, a Lucky Strike packet, a spacecraft-every object tells a story.

Here Deyan Sudjic, Director of the Design Museum, decodes the things around us: thier hidden meanings, our relationhsip with them, how they shape our lives and why we desire them."

This is pretty much what the book is about. I just finished reading it and it`s so amazing that I`m already reading it twice!!! :D
I love the content, the way he writes, everything!! It`s so interesting, I think also for people who ware not that interested in Design or Art like me for example. 

The Guardian said: "Impassioned and thougt-provoking" and I totally agree with them!!

Have a nica evening!

xoxo Gio



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