Look of the day: "Rock it"

I can`t believe I could dress my new shorts today!!! And this at the end of April! Awesome!!! :D I love this weather!
Unfortunately you can`t see the great color of the shorts at the first photo (I don`t know why it got to bright) so I added this last photo where you can see it better (because the color is really great!!!)
Have a great lazy Sunday!

Zara shorts (i couldn`t find them online)
H&M bag, jacket, top (:D)
Corelli shoes/ballerinas
Chilli Beans sunglasses


  1. Total süsse shorts <3


  2. Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment!! :)Always happy to hear when someone likes my blog :) I also like your blog very much!
    Unfortunately I`m learning for my tests and I have no time to post so often... :(
    thanks, have a great Sunday!

    kisses Gio


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