Last Weekend

 This H&M store is amazing!! :)


As I mentioned HERE some of my friends were coming to visit me in Vienna and the weekend was really great!!! I really miss them and it felt so good to have them around me for some days. So here is some "guest appearance" and you can see them at some photos. 
At this point I want to mention once again, (because you may be asking why I`m posting like everything :D) that I want to share everything in my life with this blog and not only fashion, of course primarily fashion, but there is so much more happening in life now and I`m so happy and I want to spread this happiness and I feel like I want to share it if everyone :)
This weekend was amazing and really special so it has to be immortalized here :) 

Today was soooo warm, I was waiting sooo long for that!!! I love summer and I always feel like I`m in Brazil (were I`m from) with this weather it make me smile all day long :D (Like I mentioned many times today on TWITTER :D)

Tomorrow is going to be very warm again and I`m planing to spent the whole day outside with my bf, eat ice cream, sitting at night long time outside till it gets to cold :D, things you do when it`s getting summer outside ;) 
Wish you a great weekend! Have fun, and if you live in Vienna like me enjoy the weather!!! ;) 

Photos taken by Raphaela H.

We were wearing:
of course I was wearing again my H&M scarf which I can`t get off anymore :D
diesel jeans
Esprit jacket
Zara jacket


Eu já tinha contado AQUI que algumas amigas minhas ião vir me visitar e o fim de semana foi muuuuuito bom!!! Eu sinto tanta falta delas e foi demais ter elas por perto por alguns dias. 
Desculpa, eu não vou traduzir tudo agora, pois tenho que traduzir mais um texto daqui a pouco e já está ficando tarde aqui... :( 
Hoje tava tão quente aqui que eu quase me senti que nem no Brasil!! :) (o que eu já comentei algumas vezes no TWITTER hoje :D) isso me deixa sorrir o dia inteiro... :)

Desejo um bom fim de para vcs!!! 


  1. Nice post, your blog is cool!

    1. Thank you so much! I also liked your blog :) I`m following you :) hope you maybe follow back :)

      kisses Gio


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