My wardrobe

My wardrobe is more a walk in closet, which I share with my bf :) It still isn`t ready and it looks a bit untidy with the moving boxes ^^ (and yesterday we found out that a clothes rail is almost falling off the wall :D) And there is a mirrow coming....But I just moved here 3 weeks ago and those things need time :) 
So when it is completly ready I will show you the latest photos :) It`s just...I am really so in love with it yet that I couldn`t wait to show you :) Here again a special thanks to my bf, he established it for me and made one of my little dreams (and I think also from every women :D) come true.... :)
The photos at the beginning are a bit blurry, that is also a reason why I`ll have to post other photos of it some day ^^

As you can see I seperate my clothes in colors and my dresses, long skirts, jackets...are on the top clothes rail. I think it is very important to have your wardrobe organized, so it is easier to find an outfit. I chose to part it in colors because it is easier for me to handle with my clithes that way. I love to play with colors, a look is based for me on colors and having my wardrobe seperated this way makes it easier for me to choose the perfect outfit. 
My favorite colors these days are nude, beige, pink, orange (and all of them together :D) and of course black as always. Pink and orange are also the colors which I think go perfectly with spring and summer :) 


  1. wow! love your closet!

    1. Thank you!! :) makes me very happy to hear this :)


  2. I try to keep my clothes organized by color and shape but then when I do the wash I hate putting it back in order and I am slowly but surely running out of room, I think I might need a bigger clothes. But isn't that the story of our lives. lol


    1. lol :D yes I know exactly what you mean ;)


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