Look of the day: "Long, long time ago"

No the post title has nothing to do with the pictures (they were taken today) it has to do with the "fake fur" bag :D I got this bag a REALLY long time ago and I was thinking about this today and than I got this song from Madonna (American Pie) in my head and thought this is a cool post title :D 

It was really hard to choose today`s outfit, it looked so warm outside (and 11° is for these days really warm!!! :)) but with this wind here you never know how cold it actually is outside... I wanted to dress a leather jacket with a really warm pullover under it, but I was worry I could freeze, so I chose this outfit. And it was in fact the better choise ;) 

Just when I uploaded the photos I saw this turkish banner in the back (first and second photo) and thought *lol* :D :D But than it was to late to make a new photo...^^ Well..I don`t think it is that bad (and I also hope it isn`t)... ^^(I don`t even know what they were doing there ^^)
The pictures where taken by my bf and me :) I think they are really great.
I got a new hairdo hope you like it :) 

Have a great weekend!!! 
xoxo, Gio

I was wearing:
Almost everything is from H&M exept:
bag&shoes: Vintage
jacket: Esprit
sunglasses: Chilli Beans 
ring: Bijou Brigitte


  1. Darling, you are so super fashionista!
    I love your style, love St. Stephen's Dome and love your pics!
    It is so inspiring to see you happy and sharing these moments in the web.
    Wish you lots of success and I'm looking forward to see what is coming next.
    Kisses from a big fan!


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