First Valentine`s Day in Vienna

Hi guys! Finally I have some time again to write :)
First I want to wish you all a (still) happy Valentiene`s Day :)
I am actually not a big big fan of this "holiday", but this year, I don`t know why, I wanted it to be special.... :) 
My bf and I were last week so occupied with our new apartment with painting, cleaning,...and all the things you have to do when you get a new home :) Today we finally had some time to enjoy and realise that we are really here:) and we went out to see more of the city. Thanks God it was also a bit warmer today than the last days, I think at midday we had temperatures over 0° ;) that is warm comparing to last weeks... ;) aaaaand the sun was shinning *big smile*
All in one I had a really great day, I hope you also did :)

Places: Karlsplatz, Praterstern, Naschmarkt

 Pink top: Miss 60, Jeans: H&M, Sunglasses: H&M, Bag: Vintage, Shoes: EWE, CArdigan: H&M 



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