Look of the day "Blue Sensation"

I don`t know why and how it started but since a few days I am so in love with blue!!!! (as you can see on my "fashiolista" finds :D) Well, no actually "in love" is way to understated, I am addicted!!! :D Then I found this blue dress and it was really love for the first time! Blake is anyway one of my favorites and it was even her wearing it... Can`t find words ;) I would dress blue with black or gold accessories, think both look amazing. 


Eu não sei porque, nem como começou, mas já ta fazendo alguns dias que eu estou super in love com a cor azul!!! (da pra perceber nos meus "fashiolista finds" :D) Se bem que, mentira não estou só "in love", estou viçiada!!! :D Daí achei esse vestido, LINDO(!!!!!) e foi amor a primeira vista. Blake é de qualquer jeito uma das minhas favoritas, além do mais ela usando esse vestido...Não acho palavras ;) Eu vestiria azul com preto ou dourado. 

This look with suggestions HERE at fashiolista. 

Blake Lively, dress: Marchesa


  1. thank you sweetie!!!!:) I`m also following you :) I took a look at your blog, really liked your style :)


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