London love

This May I got to know my absolutely favorite city I`ve ever visited so far: London! It was love at first sight! Already from the plane my heart felt totally for this city! And as we landed it got worse, I got amazed by everything haha. The whole culture, food (I loooooooove fish and chips), people (this incredibly politeness!!!), architecture, design (even every little coffeehouse it doesn't matter in which corner it stands has such a beautiful decoration), coffee (after London I got coffee addicted haha, so good coffee over there...), art (the absolutely highlight was for me the Alexander McQueen exhibition, I was speechless the whole time and running around like this emoji with hearts over the eyes :D and at the National Gallery Van Goghs "Sunflowers"), .... ok I could go on like this for ever so I will stop now but you probably got my feeling for London: ultimate crush! I hope I will try to make it possible to visit this ...