Second Valentine`s Day in Vienna

Some weeks ago I watched "500 days of summer" and saw this totally sweet "I love us" Valentine`s Day card and felt completely in love with it. This card was my inspiration for this painting, which I gave as present to my bf on Valentine`s Day :)
This year`s Valentine`s Day was a cozy day for us. Two weeks ago I got my wisdom teeth of, so I had to stay at home and retrieve, and I still can only eat pasta and rice! Can`t wait to eat a burger!!! :D 
For Valentine`s dinner I cooked a shrimp risotto for us! It was so delicious, you can find the recipe on the next post!
The small "muffin like" sweets you can see on the 3rd photo are a Brazilian dessert and it`s called "Queijadinha". It`s so delicious and so easy to make, you can find the recipe below at the end of the post! 
Have a nice day!

Queijadinha recipe:

You need:
-1 cup of coconut flake
-1 can of sweetened condensed milk
-4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan
-2 eggs

You just need to mix everything together, put pastry in muffin trays and let them in the preheated oven till they get golden (about 10 min.)


  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.;)
    Lovely greets Nessa


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