New In: Chilli Beans sunglasses

Sorry it took me so long to write this post. But here it is: my new Chilli Beans sunglasses!! Every time I am in Brazil I buy a new one from them. Now they have (well I don`t know if still, but they did have when I was there in January :D) a "decade" collection with 70`s, 90`s... I chose mine from the 90`s. And I love it so much, I want to wear it everyday, but unfortunately it`s winter here... :(
You really should take a look at the Chilli Beans homepage, besides sunglasses they also have very cool watches and other accessories!!

Desculpa que demorou muito até eu escrever esse post. Mas aqui está: meus nóvos óculos de solda Chilli Beans !! Sempre quando vou para o Brasil compro óculos de sol deles. Agora (bem não sei se eles ainda tem, mas quando estive lá em Janeiro eles tinham :D) uma coleção de "décadas" com 70`s, 90`s....escolhi os meus da década 90`s..Quero usar eles todo dia, mas infelizmente não é verão aqui...:( 
Se você mora no Brasil tem que visitar uma loja deles ou visitar o site!! Do lado de óculos eles também tem relógios e outros accessórios que são muito bacana!

Sorry, dass e so lange gedauert hat diesen Post zu schreiben. Aber hier ist es: Meine neue Sonnenbrille von Chilli Beans!! Immer wenn ich in Brasilien bin kaufe ich ich mir eine Sonnenbrille von dieser Marke. Jetzt haben sie eine "decades" Kollektion mit 70er, 90er (ich bin mir nicht sicher ob sie diese Aktion immer noch haben, aber sie hatten sie auf jeden Fall als ich im Januar dort war :D ) Ich hab mir eine von den 90er ausgewählt. Ich liebe sie so sehr, dass ich sie am Liebsten jeden Tag tragen würde, nur leider ist es eben Winter hier und vor allem der Winter in Wien ist leider sehr düster... :(
Ihr müsst wirklich unbedingt mal auf die Internetseite von Chilli Beans gehen, denn neben Brillen haben sie auch tolle Uhren und andere Accessoires. 


  1. lovely blog!
    just followed you on GFC :)

    1. Thank you so much for following darling!!!! :)

  2. Hi doll!

    I love your blog, very inspiring. You should keep up the good work!

    I would love it if you like my facebook page to stay in touch!

    Let me know if you would like a follow back;)

  3. Thank you all so much darlings!!!

  4. Looks great,honey!Love!;-)

  5. Love it,babe!

  6. Amazing sunnies! I love them:)

    Check out my blog:

  7. very nice! would you like to follow each other? let me know!


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