Happy New Year!!!!

This start of a new year I had yesterday was one of the best days and the best start of the year in my life! 
I wish so much I could have taken some pictures to share this very special, beautiful  moment with you, but I didn`t take my cam with me (concerned about loosing it), but no single photo could express what I experienced yesterday.  
It was the first time I spent New Year`s Eve in Rio de Janeiro and I must admit I was a bit worry about how it was going to be, for example if there would be too many people, or if my money could be stolen, but it was exactly the opposite! 
I felt very safe, there were many people, but not too many and it was so beautiful because everyone (o.k. almost everyone) was wearing white clothes! Than the moment when everyone counts down, the firework starting, the view...I really recommend this experience to everyone! And I am really up to spending this year again New Year`s Eve here. 
This picture I took form the internet, so you can get a feel of how it looked like there. 
I wish you all the best for this new year. That everyone of you can realize your dreams and wishes and achieve your goals.
Love, Gio  


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